

Traditionally, a Make-Over post would include a BEFORE & AFTER mug shot but 2 out of 3 of the "make-over-ees" (including me) decided that our before shots were too fugly to reveal to the public. Besides, only the privileged should really that side of us anyway :p Instead, we decided to just post our after shots.

A special thanks to our most talented and diligent make-up artist, Tevy, who hopefully pursues something with her gift of bringing our inner beauty out! 

*** It should be noted that my camera wasn't able to produce a true-to-life quality and that our make-up was 10x better than what you see here. I mean, we're still beautiful but this camera doesn't do the make-over justice! :p

1 comment:

  1. i think it should be noted that that monistat under my picture is only there because it can be used as a makeup primer and not there for any other reason LOL


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